Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Last week when I was in Vegas .... aah gotcha ! Well sometimes we need to do something exceptional to grab some attention . There are a distinguished group of personalities we come in contact with everyday some who are dying to get that attention . The more you stare , the happier they are and vice-versa .

The other evening I was with a friend he told me its human tendency to be looked at . So when you are actually looking at a girl its not a bad thing , is it ?  (You can look but stop staring at it ! ) . Well what about when you don't get your work done ? There are evidences of people doing weird things to get some attention . These peculiar qualities in individuals are like a sign posts that are held up over their heads saying - Look here !

The crazy stuff is that at some point of time everyone might have done something to turn a glance . Example -  Wooing women . Enough said .

The classiest of examples is our Indian Film Industry . They are constantly in the news for the teeniest of reasons . I plead to our Indian New Channels especially India T.V. (who taunts  me with  pictures of Rakhi Sawant ... don't know why  ) informing viewers about the news and mentally torturing them with the oodles of repeat telecasts all day is not what your viewers would like to watch .

There are variety of attention seeking individuals you come across ; some who get attention for a short span of time , while some have your attention for a longer time . There is nothing bad about seeking attention but stop overdoing it man .

 And again for the 5 people reading this blog . Thanks for the patience and your support ( fake tears in my eyes  ) . I love you people :)

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