Wednesday, September 22, 2010

5 Reasons you need to be on twitter

The world revolves around you and so does twitter . These are some few reasons why you should be on this micro-blogging network .

1. Celebrities :

Well more or less everyone is on twitter because they wish to know about their favourite celebrities . Though this is sometimes that bothers you since the ones you worship on screen could be so dumb in real life . Well for instance check this tweet of Sherlyn Chopra

2. You have funny people online :

I have ended up following a lot of funny people . They talk about things that are currently being rubbished about on television in a very satirical tone . Its more of a stress relief . Rather than being down with the wicked ways of this cruel world you get to actually tickle your funny bone .

3. You can give first hand updates : 

 Yes though you have never been a celebrity but bragging about your newly owned car would not hurt if you were on twitter . It helps people know what you have been doing which may also be held against you sometimes but nevertheless you will have a ball while you are at it .

4. News updates :

The more humans I follow on twitter , the equivalent tech blogs I follow . This is cause getting news about new releases does help you a lot . There will be a time when people will switch off their televisions sets and rather know about whats going on through twitter . Aaaaannd has anyone told you twitter got hacked yesterday ? check it out :

Mega text twitter exploit
 This is how big the fonts on twitter looked yesterday .

5. Twitter has Lord_Ram :

Its true , I truly believe he exists . Well for the ones who did not follow him , you shall be cursed and sent on an exile for 14 minutes to the other room while your parents turn off your computer . Bwahaha , whatever .... just start tweeting , will you ?

my twitter handle : , this is where can spread the love at .


  1. WHAT??????? hahhahaah what was that RAM thing?????? lmfao!!

  2. never ever make fun of the Lord :P he will smite you with his with his anger
