Tuesday, July 13, 2010

115 to 350 . The Power of biking .

    On my way back home from work I get a call from my dear friend Nagu saying he wishes to learn to ride his newly possessed , 350 CC , high powered , huge structured and gigantic "Bullet " . Only few men have the ability and the strength to master this mean machine . It takes self control and extending your mental and physical strengths to the optimum level which was rather a challenge in itself .  Shamelessly accepting the fact of never ridden anything like it  I rush to his place at once . And this one was an untamed beast . We were just trying to learn how the pedals work on this thing .Its beauty being the most impeccable thing on this planet .

    With a few  strokes and kicks we manage to charge this beast up . Struggling with the reverse engineering used on this one we rest ourselves on its back . With reverse engineering I mean the brakes and the gears have switched places , so as I said takes mental stability to acquaint yourself with this bull . Taking mental notes and constantly reminding ourselves about the intertwined gear system we ride it a few  kilometers . Then comes the worst part ; bringing it to a stop .

   After so much experience of riding bikes my own being a 115 CC one I step on the brakes just to figure out that its not in the right place and the neutral gear seems pretty hard to find . I hurriedly push the brake much sort of like having a panic attack . It comes to a stand still finally and my intuition telling me that the bike  laughs sheepishly at my stunt . The next thing I know is this creature rests silently waiting to be powered up once again . The very fact about this bike being the only one that India Exports is brought to my knowledge , and I wouldn't doubt that piece of information at all .

   I would definitely like to compare my bike with this 350 CC engine but all said and done , this thing is a class apart . As a friend of mine once said " Its not a bike , its a Bullet " . Falling short of words to describe it is nothing unusual . By the way did I tell you the bike I am riding is like 30 years old and it still hasn't fallen apart even after so many travels its been on . This bike has a story , a story to share to the world and I feel proud to be part of this tale which was short lived but very interesting .

Special Thanks to Narendra for giving us this opportunity to ride his priced possession once in a while.


  1. Seems that u guys had fun by playing with this huge man-made creature "BULL". It's always gonna be a life-time experience. I m trying to imagine your expression when u both were on that beast;-)
    Chintan Jain

  2. The fun part is just being able to hold it in your hands and believe that you are in total control .

  3. Whn wld u be telling the story of the bike ????
    Shreyas Shetty

  4. The story of the bike remains to be told :) lets hope we find out soon
