Monday, July 18, 2011

The will to move on

A few days ago I made a promise to myself that I would blog about a lot of things everyday . But that promise did not stand its ground for too long . The most I could write about is some funny things here and some there but last week after the serial blasts in Mumbai I had nothing to build my conversations to . I feared that a lot of sentiments were attached to this city that never sleeps .

People hailing from different parts of the country stepped in this city of hope expecting to earn their daily bread . Yes ' hope' , strange but that was exactly what kept them going . A hope for a better living . But now those are accompanied by fear  . The fear of living their dream while they stay alive . We ought to know the enemy is within us . Staying aware about any suspicious activities in and around our neighbourhood is what we need to work on . That extra mile needs to be traveled to keep ourselves safe . A family shall bless you for being the person who saved the day , every-fucking-day of their lives !


  1. Sadly there is terror everywhere and it doesn't just come from known terrorist. Since you would like to commit yourself to writing more, maybe you can write about how to protect yourself and signs to look out for in a city as populated as Mumbai. I am sure that many people don't know the tips you could provide and would value reading them. You could help them learn not to live in fear.

  2. thanks a lot :) I guess it is definitely time now to put this blog to some good use
