Thursday, July 28, 2011

5 things for you to do when you are drunk

  1. Call a random number : Well you might as well make use of the opportunity that you've in hand . You could probably bump into some you always wanted to meet . Meet the one you've always wanted to be with . Though it is highly unexpected that you meet someone you actually want to but still who gives a heck that you meet him/her or not , still worth a try calling them up in the middle of the night and telling them that its a wrong number . Well it is forbidden to do so if you are already committed to someone so better be ready to face the music if you're caught doing so .
  2. Listen to classical music : Yes it might sound very awkward to you right now since you ain't high enough but yes you should totally try this one when you are tipsy . You'll have this feeling of being highly elated with extra attention to the lyrics that start stacking in your head . You could always add a bit of dance to those lyrics my man - perhaps a small treat for the onlookers .
  3. Wait for your ride at a local bar : You were expecting to get a ride back home but NO in this particular city you won't get a ride until you are are living somewhere in South Mumbai so stop cribbing and wait for you ride to drop you back home . You will always love the ride back since you can get along with your cab driver and get to know about the real problems in his life that he is facing e.g. His problem with the hernia that he just had extracted .
  4. Drunk Texting / Blogging  ( Courtesy - White Bhabhi  ) : You were expecting to tell someone that you've been waiting to tell them for a long time but you never had the balls to do it . So I guess this is where you go do it . You pick up your phone/laptop and write to whomsoever it may concern that they are not actually doing so well atleast not in your perspective . And if they ever disapprove you could just get away with telling them you were drunk .
  5. Go do a Amy Winehouse : This one is totally out of context ; never to be performed but if you really want it then try it once . Get yourself so drunk that the more you try to think about last night it never occurs to you that there was actually a last night at all . 
P.S. No intentions for hurting the sentiments of the dead being caused here . Amy Winehouse was a great artist indeed . 


  1. ??? It's I'll suggest drunk texting....or in this case maybe drunk blogging. Or maybe you pocket blogged in which your phone sent this post with no actual blog. Lol.

  2. ok there you go ! some text to your title :)

  3. Lol, so do you feel smarter listening to classical music while drunk? I get the impression it might make you feel more intellectual.

  4. Intellectual not really but engaged to the music for real !
