Friday, June 4, 2010

Day One at the Gym

First Day at the Gym tends to light a few sparks here and there , but since I had the least interest in performing any physical activities . I created a parallel universe for myself today so that I begin to enjoy the workout .

Exercise no.1 : Cycling

This workout is to help train your respiratory system and your heart . Now if you are speaking about the heart yes mine was pounding like a rock on a grindstone but it took about 5 minutes for me to figure out that i was ACTUALLY WORKING OUT .

Exercise no.2 : Tread Mill

Here the trainer found rejoice in coming every two minutes and pacing up the automated tread mill . With every step i took my breathing began to inflate . Thought the best part of this workout was i was able to figure out how many calories I had burnt . Result - 95.5 calories burnt

Exercise no.3 : Thing that has no name

Well the regime here applies to a machine where we ought to pedal with our hands . Not much to talk about here it was a 5 minute workout . Result -35 calories burnt

And so ends day-one with a few stretching exercises .

Calories Burnt : 140.5

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