Saturday, June 19, 2010

5 Things that gross you out

Yes I am finally being sarcastic about the nation I live in . Any amount of convincing is not going to change my opinion about it . So here are the list of 5 (sluggish) awesome Indian things :

1.Digging your nose : 
Gross right ? Well there is not much you can do to improve such a habit . We ( yes imagine hairy,bald and ugly people in the "We" ) have this annoying habit of digging for treasures . The pleasures contained in this act is solely for the thrill seeking part of the adventure until you strike gold . Another favourite pastime as we may say it .

2.Farting :
Creating a gas chamber for a person sitting next to you never gives him a pleasurable experience unless you are have a fetish for odd things . This mainly happens in a crowded train when the on-lookers are least aware of what is about to hit them .

3.Sneezing :
 Usually when someone tries to suppress a sneeze it is said that he may rupture a nerve . Hence leaving no such traces behind we tend to sneeze as loud as we can . The tremors that are caused or the after effects are echoes that keep ringing in your head . The best way to avoid it is .... nothing just need to close your ears when you see someone trying to sneeze , if you are lucky enough you would dodge your way through the big bang !

4. Dirty Laundry :
This one is for the for people who wouldn't change laundry for days to come . Fumigating with nerve damaging powers these hunters set out for a sure kill . Carrying a pride over their stinking abilities they would put a skunk to shame . These people belong to areas which are devoid of water or they are activists working on their ecological footprint to make it through the worst .

5.Religious Bias :
Now when you are asked about your name the first thing that pops to someones head is what religion do you belong to . I wish that someone comes up with neutral names to end this discrimination . Then we can grow as a nation together !

Yours sincerely ,
Crazed Indian.

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