Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Yes its not a noun its a it is an adjective to express all mac lovers affection towards their sweet devices. There are basically two types of people in this universe , one who owns a MAC and the rest who don't (go figure) .

Well the reason for owning a MAC could sometimes be completely unnecessary hence the anger inside me begins to rise . The one guy who was not aware of what it was like to own a computer rig gets mac-ti-fied ! And voila we have envy ; green , red whatever color you call it pure envy .

Then comes a thought to me that what if there were a few devices you would love Apple  to make sometime . It could include always start with an "i" oh yes it would . I always wanted a device for swearing called i-swear or something when Indians would love to call i-shappath .

iPad In the box The i-phone 4 was something that was discussed a lot about a few days ago . Now I hear plans of another phone in the making and then you begin to think " Steve , stop it ! " . Just when you were rejoicing the feeling of owning thy phone you get struck by a new better release of the phone you hold in your hands . Sympathies to you my friend (Evil cackle in my head though ) .

There were times when a simple basic mp3 player was okay to listen to . But after the arrival of the i-pod ! God had never been so biased might have thought the competitors . The reason for the i-pod turning a hit would be the User Interface , oh yes it had a perfect UI . Turn the dial on the player like you used to just like in the olden days when you had to crank every number on your telephone . This was much interesting to play with . It was cool . It was white as the dove.

Then came different versions of the same shit , ipod nanos , touchs and then the i-phone . The same ipod touch which would allow you to make phone calls , well there were other features too but I just love de-glorifying your i-touch man ! The poor guy who owns an i-touch thinks " Steve STOP FUCKING WITH ME " . That's what I meant when I said new releases every 3 months .

Soon came the i-pad . This was a sleek and a sturdy design , yet again ! Everything is just perfect . The only thing it lacks is a fucking USB port !! Well actually the dock is present but USB would have rather been very simpler without us trying to connect that Apple cable every time we wanted to add an external device . And don't even get me started on it not being able to multi-task now .

Thus Mactards we still love you but wait before you make purchases cause maybe there will be something in line for you within the next few months . End of story .


  1. haha! the best part about is they wanted to come up with i touch for kids and they named it "i touch kids" LMFAO!!!! :D

  2. i-shappat....good one...!!
    well written bro..>!

  3. lol @Vinila only if MJ was alive to endorse it :)

    @Ronak thanks man :)

  4. i know exactly how it feels man!
