Sunday, March 14, 2010


Hi again ! This is not a piece about how things work or how it would help you survive, this is just an abstract of what happens when you are attacked by a rare species . Though they are not completely unfamiliar breed they annoy you with their surprise visits . They are none other than your sweet uninvited guests .

You begin your day sitting at home watching T.V. when suddenly you get a phone call. " Ya , you are coming when ? Tomorrow !!!" . Now completely alarmed you start to fix a schedule to adjust them in your schedule one day at a time . It must have been days since you must have managed your time so well .

10 o'clock : Pick Them up at the station

12 o clock : Have Lunch

1 o clock : Quick Nap

4 o clock : Leave for sight seeing

6 o clock : Tea

9 o clock : Dinner ..... is something what would follow after their visit .

Hardly there would be time for you to even attend calls on your cell phone since you were super swamped with activities that you were never trained to perform before. " Beta , Show Uncle where we used to previously stay . Take the car if you want ." Suddenly driving the car around in traffic doesn't seem as annoying as it used to be . You start to connect with your car .

You have a quick breakfast since you might miss that boat which will probably take you to the place that you have seen 'n' number of times . You begin to interpret "Respect your elders" as a curse to man kind ! You begin to believe that once they are gone you will happily go back to your peaceful life but rather Einstein's theory of relativity begins to seem evident at such times .

Travel , Travel , Travel ! are the only things that keep you busy at these times . But now if you were to talk about Mumbai , trains are a boon yes ! But keeping track of the rush hours so that your guests wouldn't feel uncomfortable travelling is a huge task at hand .

At the end you begin to feel like a warrior who battled it out with glory written all over yourself .

P.S. Einstein's theory of relativity states that if you are "Time goes more slowly in higher gravitational fields"

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