Friday, March 26, 2010

Save the environment

Today I come forward not as a blogger but as an individual waiting to grieve in the sorrows of our mother nature . This is the part where you start crying .

Well here is a video I found really interesting on YouTube and wished to share with you folks .

Story of Bottled water

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Reality TV

While watchin TV, I get really scared when I come across Cola Ads with following written in fine print at the bottom "Stunts are performed by Professionals. Do not try this at home."

So usually I end up plummeting myself from buildings, bungee jumping into valleys, parachuting from heights, parkouring across gaps.....

......rather than putting myself at serious health risk by downing that awful fizz drink.

Isn't that what they use the Professionals for ?!

*wink* (o_O) *wink*

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Hi again ! This is not a piece about how things work or how it would help you survive, this is just an abstract of what happens when you are attacked by a rare species . Though they are not completely unfamiliar breed they annoy you with their surprise visits . They are none other than your sweet uninvited guests .

You begin your day sitting at home watching T.V. when suddenly you get a phone call. " Ya , you are coming when ? Tomorrow !!!" . Now completely alarmed you start to fix a schedule to adjust them in your schedule one day at a time . It must have been days since you must have managed your time so well .

10 o'clock : Pick Them up at the station

12 o clock : Have Lunch

1 o clock : Quick Nap

4 o clock : Leave for sight seeing

6 o clock : Tea

9 o clock : Dinner ..... is something what would follow after their visit .

Hardly there would be time for you to even attend calls on your cell phone since you were super swamped with activities that you were never trained to perform before. " Beta , Show Uncle where we used to previously stay . Take the car if you want ." Suddenly driving the car around in traffic doesn't seem as annoying as it used to be . You start to connect with your car .

You have a quick breakfast since you might miss that boat which will probably take you to the place that you have seen 'n' number of times . You begin to interpret "Respect your elders" as a curse to man kind ! You begin to believe that once they are gone you will happily go back to your peaceful life but rather Einstein's theory of relativity begins to seem evident at such times .

Travel , Travel , Travel ! are the only things that keep you busy at these times . But now if you were to talk about Mumbai , trains are a boon yes ! But keeping track of the rush hours so that your guests wouldn't feel uncomfortable travelling is a huge task at hand .

At the end you begin to feel like a warrior who battled it out with glory written all over yourself .

P.S. Einstein's theory of relativity states that if you are "Time goes more slowly in higher gravitational fields"

Friday, March 12, 2010

Productive things that one can do at work

Now this is supposed to be a point by point thing but I wouldn't want to restrict myself to a particular number . So these are some situations where when you get bored you head out hunting, not literally though ! When working at your office or while you are studying you end up at a point of time where you are not able to concentrate any further to this is going to be a list of things that you would certainly be able to do past you reach such a point :

1. Listen to Gothic music .

Yes sadly goth music is something that will turn your insides out and you will realize that how important your work is to you and how much you miss it already . Hence leading you back to your work .

2. Watch porn

Yes porn , whats the matter ? Scared of getting caught ! Well you would like to watch it when you are alone now , wouldn't you ? Well this certainly would be as good as it could get . Surf , Shag , do shit ! who gives a fuck ... Just be careful enough not to get caught or else the time you are taking off would prove to be legally binding upon you * Read as FIRED !*

3. Start doing crazy things

Do things that will grab attention like go to the cooler and hold a glass in your hand and whenever someone comes nearby take a sip and spit it out and add " This water takes like Vodka " . Now if you are working in an office full of Alcoholics the cooler would magically disappear before you even know it . Though you would enjoy the expressions on the faces of everyone who walks by . Now some common sense : Make sure are not spitting close to the same guy repeatedly .

4. Fall asleep

This is a stunt to be performed under a trained professional . You need to be really crazy to pull this one off ! Its rather impossible to get away without a warning once you are caught under these circumstances .

5. Call your boss from an anonymous number

Imagine you picking up your phone , dialing your bosses number and saying " Listen you frigging ass you are taking work too seriously , when was the last time you had sex with your wife. You ought to keep a tab on her , people from your office see her more often than you do . " Now here is the part where you insert a name of a colleague you hate to the guts . The rest of the frustration is followed by your boss's antics .

Now these are just a few instances of things that you could do at your work place . Apart from writing this blog I am supposed to be working at my work place too so will see you people around . Byee

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Failed Love Attempts

These are ten instances where you will get rejected for your proposals for sure :

1. You are wearing red shorts . The "Superman /Superhero" has long faded away . Its time to grow up . ( Its not even close to being macho . And keep my Simpson shorts out of this ! )

2. You are dead drunk even when it is 10 in the morning . Ahh or was it just the hangover ?

3. You have a gambling problem . Rather you would even gamble away yourself just to be with the significant other . (Now again is that a good thing ? )

4. You are in love with someone whose gay . That is a situation you can't even make use of fruitfully unless you have photographs to prove otherwise *wink wink*

5. You are wearing too much make - up . Getting too metro-sexual isn't a good thing guys . Just wondering why would you even wear any make-up ?

6. You have an uncontrolled tendency to touch your opposite sex . When will you ever stop ! Your perversion will only get you as far as YashRaj Studios . Now will you be my valentine ? :P

7. You repeat whatever the other person says. Its irritating . Stop it ! ... no seriously "Stop it ! " .

8. You begin to feel that Himesh Reshammiya is God of mordern rock and start head banging every time "Tera Suroor " is being played . (Don't you even dare come close to me )

9. You are too religious . The thought you even kissing scares the shit out of you . You try to keep your harmony and sanctity by carrying pictures of Gods in your pockets , wearing things that a normal human being would not even dare to wear and you hate it when people say " Holy Shit ! "

10. Your name is Khaaan .... Khaan from the epiglottis . In short you are a retard whose got nothing better to do rather than reading this blog :P

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Happy Birthday Ronak

Today we celebrate our beloved darling of all time Ronak's birthday . Even though he may not be present in India at this moment we still know that hes gonna get wasted at a filthy bar (*insert hyperbole*) . Well so far we have been writing things about that we may face in our daily life but today we wish to express a few thoughts about our darling Ronak aka Lost ( correct Ronak ? ) .

Qualities that Ronak we have come across over these years :

1. A brilliant student . Can learn almost anything and excel if hes puts his heart to it.

2. Is a good person at heart and helps his friends during their times of needs . (Expressed as the time when he completed projects of both 3rd year n 4th year during our college).

3. Eats a lot . Yes ! he does eat but no matter what he does his weight vanishes off to an undisclosed location ( we are still wondering how he stays so thin ) . And yes should we tell you about his chest that he goes flashing around in public . Man that thing will knock someones eyes out someday :P

So far we have exaggerated too much about his Goods now for the bads :

1. A person who never used to be on time . I wonder hows hes keeping up with his reputation in Canada . Rather who the hell helps you wake up man !!

2. Hes a heavy sleeper . Sleeps for hours long . This is how it happened :

Dharmesh : Arrey Ronak uth !!!

Ronak : Haan 5 minute

Dharmesh : (after 5 min ) Arrey Ronak uth !! Exam hai

Ronak : Haan haaan 5 min re ....

Dharmesh now completely assured that hes awake leaves the room .
But sadly thats where the fun part comes in . Ronak stays asleep no matter what :P

Now we miss him on this particular day and wish his all the good luck in his life ( LUCK !! Funny word hes already too lucky to survive this far ) . Cheers !

Ronaks Reply :

i decided to sacrifice,dis bday...
coz had no1 2 share...had no1 2 bare...
had a couple of show sum care...
but dat wasnt make it fair...

nw sum1 jus turnd up...wid a glare...
in their words and in all dat dey share...
dey showed me wat i my lair...

its d endless friendship...its d endless love...
its d green stuff dats covered under d snow...
wasnt in my sight but its mine i know...
m lucky 2 own i'll off it show...;)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

iWRiTe - eVeRy MoRNiNG 4 aiR, DaT i BReaTHe

4 in the morning, at the 14th level,
In my balcony, when I'm having a smoke.
After a drag or two, I stretch my arm,
To share it with someone, I can call as a folk.

But there ain't any, I miss those many,
Friends that I had back home.
Nothing was mine, I earned nothing,
They were they only once, I owned.

Trust me or not, I miss them all,
They lie somewhere in my heart beneath.
I feel such things, I feel this bit,
Every Morning 4 air, that i breathe.