Thursday, May 15, 2008


Hello everyone ... My name is Kiran K. and I am an Engineering student ... well today i have a reason , a reason to write this blog piece . This is what actually happened

Girl : So what do you do ?

Me : well i am an engineering student actually Third yr. of my college

Girl : WHAT !!! .... what field are you in ?

Me : I.T.

Girl : WOAH !!! ....(goes into a daze ... thinking about something ... n says something abruptly )

Did you people notice something from the above given conversation ? Well the thing is that people have complete wrong views regarding an engineering student or may be its ME . I mean whenever I tell a girl that i am from the Engineering field its seems that the fact is completely hard to digest for them . This hasn't been the 1st time I have had this conversation but I have had it many a times . I wonder what pre-notions people have ? Heres the part where the girl hands me more of the indigestible talk :

Girl : I had complete different views regarding an Engineering student !

ME : Like what ?

Girl : I thought that People from the engineering field are completely into books and have no time for fun n frolic . Reading a 1000 page book , wearing Big glasses , blah blah ...

*end of conversation*

Is there some tribe trying to inculcate ideas regarding an engineering student . May be they kidnap people brain-wash them with videos of a student reading a book n telling them " This is what an engineering student looks like " ...."No don't look anywhere else look on the screen . This is what he looks like so if you ever hear the name maybe this is what he'll look like "

Well now it is clear that there has been a species of engineering student that hasn't been able to meet up to its mark . I rather not belong to them anyways . So the Point is Even if I wasn't able to reach the mark there have been a discrete troupe of people like me hiding some place trying to reveal themselves one by one and breaking assumptions about the ENGINEERING STUDENT .

P.S. No harm was meant to be implied to the guy wearing Glasses holding his 1000 page book . :)

I believe that there hasn't been much a harm to the regular student whose indulges in everything he wishes for !

1 comment:

  1. srsly man!!!

    actually we guys are pretty much all-rounders... ;-)
    cheers 2 engineers!!!
