Monday, May 5, 2008

submission + vivas = Pain in the a***

well to begin with ... wonder how would this world have been if students cud have the fun in this world and teachers couldnt ? well just to remind you there DOESNT EXIST such a world !!!

Well the feeble attempts to please your teacher go wasted during this week long run of festivities(for teachers i.e.) would have to be the sheer fun n frolick that we have during the normal days that the just to make us repent we have the go with the **** during this period ...Now writing things that wouldnt really matter to you was your thing then you are an ACE . Assignments , Journals , worksheets etc arent just pieces of papers anymore ... they seem to you much worthy then just that , they are your daily bread and the one who writes them your only GOD .

As far as the vivas are concerned ... you spend sleepless nights and days , read things from all the reference books in this world but the day you have your VIVAs you are definitely gonna forget what you read the last night . The externals and the internals have deviced methods to completely brainwash you the moment they come face to you . They come with questions which seem to you as if you have never read ! and they willingly ask you for your reference books so they can ask things out of it ( maybe thts what they call THINKING OUTTA THE BOOKS ) .

So well fellow beings i would rather say be prepared or not you are gonna face the most deadly week when the time comes .

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