Sunday, October 14, 2007


well lemme start with a story ...

One day .... a guy named Kiran planned on taking his family out on a drive ..... he thought of visiting every possible place he cud in Mumbai throughout the day ... well all went fine .... everyone had fun .... Kiran liked driving that day for some reason (maybe the new car exicted him !!!)

Then as the day passed he kept enjoying himself .... n the sun went down ... n the day started getting a little darker ... as time passed.... Kiran made his way home along with his family .
He drove n drove .... n finally arrived the moment when he had to turn-on the HEADLIGHTS of his car...n so did everyone else who drove that day ...

Well he felt at peace now that he had traveled so much the whole day ...He cudnt wait to get home ...Then ....

He felt as if all the lights which were ever turned on ever on the Indian roads had been glaring at him for no reason at all .... He got the idea of flickering his headlights a lil .... but no use ...

He thought that all the cars in the other lane ... which were coming his way had only 1 function that is to distract and torment his eyes ...He cursed (but not too loud ) for the lack of ROAD ETIQUETTES the INDIANS lacked while driving on road that night ....

All the headlights that were turned on had never been functioned in the DIPPER mode ...(why was it built in the first place itself ...)

However there were people who also drove without their HEADLIGHTS even OFF during the night ...The Point is the HEADLIGHTS that are used to Point at other peoples eyes isnt as cool as it sounds .... so my Indian fella beings ... Please try Switching your HEADLIGHTS to the DIPPER mode during the night time ....

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