Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Stop Cribbing

The only thing that i hate in people is that they CRIB a lot ... I mean how the heck do you people end up cursing soo much rather then living the moment ...

CHERISH YOUR LIFE : yes i know you might have heard this one before but....

Circumstances when people cant help but crib at :

1 . When you really get up to finally goto college this morning and find that the train that usually arrives on time is delayed for 10 min.

2 . When you are standing in a queue for something and someone outta nowhere comes and jumps the line.

3 . When theres a bad climate when you are already are having a bad day .

you people need to live it in the real sense ... i have just one sorta policy if you aint doing nothing then you aint got the right to say nothing ...

Well my point is that its high time that we do something about the condition of the places that we are living in ... instead of cribbing , rather take a serious initiative to step-up and do whats required or rather stop cribbing coz things that are bound to happen will happen and you cant do anything about it ...