Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Not a post about iPad Air

I believe that Apple being the tech giant that it is, has been working on iterating their previous products to showcase to the world, another one of their "NEW" inventions to the world. Well this post is not about that but about what the company called Zimplistic has to offer to the world.

Having been a student living away from my home for a while now, I had to adapt myself to cooking for myself a lot. Most of the Indian food I have cooked in the recent past has been accompanied with rice. The physique that was attained from this eating habit, exhibited the possibilities of buying packed cold rotis from the Indian store. So today I was presented with Zimplistic's invention that makes rotis for you from scratch by just adding flour, water and oil to its loading dock.

The possibilities of people away from home(i.e. India) using this are endless and I would like to attach the video below to speak for itself here.

Just saying hello again to everyone who had been a part of reading this blog. I may find some time to write more about my experiences in NYC soon.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Sgt Scott Lewis

As I was new to the city of New York I wandered trying to find the right place, the right locality and the pad of my dreams. Little did I know I would come across craigslist . I narrowed down to a few places. Some too good to be true. I called up the first number in the list - Sgt. Scott Lewis. Considering him to be an elite trooper I paid respect through my conversation over the phone. Sometime later I receive a text implying he was in Afghanistan on a peace keeping mission.

After thorough discussion we decide on a date to meet and look at the place which on first look seemed too good to be true. Then he responds with an odd request for transferring $10 for every visitor that enters his house to view the place. Desperate to find a place I cave in by saying YES. Then he says he'd prefer if I wired the money to his account. My guards on I google the fuck out of his name and find innumerable references to scams in his name.

Though I know it's been a long time I would like to share the email address nonetheless so it would come up if someone tried to google search him again.

And in the end I did send him a text posing as a cop and end the conversation with his number being traced. 
If he isn't present at the police station tomorrow there will be a warrant issued against his name. 

Guess it might have set him back for sometime at least.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

iLost no more

With the release of the new Google Maps on iOS today I see no reason for you or any of your fellow travelers to be lost anymore.

This all began with creating a better system to navigate this globe. Columbus was the only person who was happy getting lost. Apart from him you will never come across ANYONE who would voluntarily want to land up in the middle of a deserted national park. Also the Australian police had to rescue 6 people from the middle of the national park. So its no surprise that they've warned motorists from using iOS maps in Australia.

So fret no more my fellow Apple lovers, who are caught up with your user experience so much that you never begin to notice the little detail called "Google always kick Apple's butt at real life applications".

Try this for starters : "Google Voice Search on Android" and "Siri search". ( After you are done fixing her for 'Did you mean .... ?' come back and post your review here.

[Download link for Google Maps on iOS]